Betta Fish Tank Ideas 4 Keeping Betta Longer

So Todays the day we are getting a new fish whoop. Yep, Betta fish here we come so let’s talk about Betta fish tank ideas and what we did.

To get this tank ready for our new addition. As you may know, if you have read any of our previous stuff if you haven’t WHY?

Anywho in our previous post. we looked at researching betta fish and fin rot etc this will only help us in making better betta fish tank ideas.

On what tank to choose how big the tank should be and the conditions for water temp and ph levels. As well as substrate filter lighting and water changes, cleaning the works.

Heres Our Tank

Here is our magnificent tank. Ain’t she a beauty right then let’s look at tanks and get some Betta fish tank ideas. People like to say that Betta can live in any tank.

And they end up putting their fish into vases and tiny little bowls and weird mugs etc. This my friends is a bad idea they need some room or they won’t be happy and healthy for long!.

Betta fish tank ideas

Betta Fish Tank Ideas?

So on we go with our Betta fish tank ideas Ok, so they need a bit of room. To help keep them happy healthy fish but what about tank arrangement? And ideas on how the tank should look.

Simple Light Tank With Bed And Hiding Areas 

As you can see we went for a light-looking tank. With a hiding place (a nice big cup) and some coloured gravel. Betta, as far as I know, doesn’t mind a bit of colour and light. Unlike some tetra that we have been speaking about in previous posts. We have his little bed ready as they like to lay on top of the water.

Bored Easy

Well near the top around 5cm of the surface as betta can breathe air yep fun fact there lol. Our Betta is very inquisitive and loves to explore and can get bored easily. So we are going to put a floating log .with some plants and shrubs and a few bits and bobs lying around. For him to play with and swim in and out of.

Keep Them Busy

The idea is to keep them busy let’s look at some plants. As there are some that do well and some that are TOXIC to the little fella.


plants for betta fish tank ideas

There are some great additions when it comes to plants and incorporating them into our Betta fish tank ideas, Whether you choose silk or live varieties.  They let the fish feel safe and secure by providing cover with their roots or foliage. Bettas do not eat plants, but some plants can be toxic.

Betta Fish Tank Ideas Plants That Climb

If you want to use a plant that comes out of the top of the tank Choose a Spathiphyllum sp., commonly known as a peace lily. “Lucky Bamboo” which is actually a Dracaena sp., or many types of vining philodendrons can work as well.

Variety of Shapes and Colours 

You can find a wide variety of foliage shapes and colours in these plants. For example, there is a variegated form of a peace lily. Called ‘Domino’, and several different philodendrons that should be safe. And will root in the water.

Floating or Submerged Plants

If you want plants that are submerged. Try a strand of Anacharis or hornwort or a small cluster of Riccia or Java moss. The main issue with keeping aquatic plants vibrant would be making sure that they have enough light.

Natural Light Keep Tanks Out Of Direct Sunlight

The plants I listed above should work in lower light conditions fairly well. A well-lit room with lots of natural light coming in from the windows would be sufficient.  Just remember that you do not want to keep the betta bowls in the window. Because sunlight coming through the window can actually heat the bowl up.

If it is lit directly by the sunlight. Also, at night, the window tends to be one of the colder spots in the house. So the fluctuating temperatures would be bad for the fish.

What About Toxic Plants & Plastic Plants?

There are some plants that are harder to keep and if they die this will toxify the water. Also, we cant use hard or rough plants.

Ripping or Tearing Fins & Tails

Betta has beautiful long flowing fins and tails. They tend to get caught in plants and rip or tear not a good idea. Also, plastic plants are a no-no for the same reason. They tend to be rough on betta fish fins and tails.

Torn or Damaged Fins & Tails Leads to Disease 

Ripped or torn fins and tails can also indicate disease. Betta fish fin rot what to look out for is a post to help if you feel you have this horrible disease.

Ideally, we are looking at soft plants and if your going for fake ones then silk is the only way to go.

Are Toys Good!

All fish love toys don’t they? Yes, they are check this Article out  Do Fish Like Or Need Toys?

Betta Love Toys 

Indeed toys are good for betta fish. Like no other species of fish they learn tricks are incredibly intelligent and recognise their owners.

Betta Understand Playtime

Although most fish will do this with time. Betta seems better suited to the understanding of playtime and not just recognising for the sake of feeding time.

We have some amazing Tetra and they seem to know who we are. But only because they think they’re getting fed again greedy buggers lol!.

Toy Ideas

Let’s take a look at some fantastic toys for our Betta fish tank ideas try and keep things simple and don’t overcrowd the tank as betta does need room to swim.

Floating Log

betta fish tank ideas a floating log

Anyway here are some toy ideas to be getting on with. 1 Floating log yep apparently betta loves the floating log. We will find out over the next few days. Needs to be fairly small with a hole through the middle ideally. As these fish love swimming through the hole and hiding on the underside of the logs shadow cute.

Betta Hammock or Bed

2 Next, we have Our cool Betta toy the Betta Hammock. This is one of the best Betta fish tank ideas that provides a place for your Betta to rest after a long day of excitement. The simple design is just a small plastic leaf. That attaches to the side of your tank with a suction cup.

For best results, place the Betta hammock near the surface of the tank. As mentioned earlier in the wild Betta fish love to rest near the surface of the water on leaves and twigs.

This toy allows your pet Betta to do the same cool right.

More Toys

Here are some more great toys for our Betta fish tank ideas.

Moss Balls As Betta Love Footy

3 Betta balls yep a bit of footy for your betta or Marimo balls. To give them their actual name small balls made of green algae.

Soak Those Balls

Once soaked with water they will sink to the bottom of your Betta’s tank. Your Betta will love to poke and push these little balls around. As they float and even when they are settled at the bottom gotta try this one.

Lastly a strange one. A mirror male Betta fish are very aggressive and will flare up. At the sight of another male Betta.


The Betta Mirror is a great toy. That will give the impression that another Betta is in the tank and cause your Betta to flare and dance.

For a Short Time Only

For short periods of time, no more than 5 minutes, This can be beneficial as it can relieve some stress and get them moving.

A word of caution, if you do this too much it can actually cause more harm than good. We recommend no more than once every other day. Not sure about this will give it a try but don’t want to overstress for our amusement hay.

Tank Set Up & Size?  

betta fish tank ideas size of tank

So what about size!. Well as mentioned in this post some people put these lovely little fish in vases and small bowls. Even large mugs what the hell. No, don’t do it this is far too small and restrictive. For the little fella come on people here are the facts.

Stick to At Least Five Gallons

The recommended minimum tank size for Betta Fish should be at least 2.5 gallons or larger. To be honest, a 5-gallon. Is likely the best size tank for Betta Fish. Why? The smaller the tank the more difficult it becomes to maintain a clean environment.

Big Tanks Are Easier to Care For

Free of ammonia and toxins. Simple right bigger is better (did I just write that.) We went for a 5 Gallon 25-litre tank with a fully enclosed fitted lid.

As these fish are skilled ninja jumpers (you ain’t called Siamese fighting fish for nothing lol.)

What about the filter?

We opted for the “easy crystal filter 250” it has double-layered filter floss pads to remove even the smallest of particles!


The heater we decided on Aqua Range Aqua-Nano Heater (50W) does a very good job so far so good!.


we also purchased an Aquarium Thermometer, RISEPRO Digital Water Thermometer For Fish Tank Aquarium Marine Temperature To keep an accurate record of the temp.

What about lights

NICREW Underwater LED Aquarium Light, Submersible Fish Tank Light, White, 2W

Submergible Lights?

This light is submersible never tried this and have set it as a normal light for now but might try submerging it at a later date.

Water Temp

Water should be between 25-27c around 78-80f with a ph level of around 7 with a water hardness of 5-20 dH or 70-300 GH ppm.


When it comes to Betta fish tank ideas and the cleaning of the tank itself there appear to be a couple of ways of doing the cleaning.

There seem to be two schools of thought on cleaning when it comes to our betta fish. Both schools will have you cleaning. The algae and the gravel and even cleaning all the decorations and plants. If needed but where things differ it seems. Is with the fish themselves. Both ways happen while doing your regular water change. (whichever works best for you either 30% or 50%.)

Regular Water Changes

Most people do this fortnightly but if needed do it weekly. You will know after the first few changes don’t panic just do regular testing of the water and you will be fine.

Two Methods 

Back to the cleaning so two different ways. First way empty 50% of the water into a bucket or another tank. Then remove the betta into a bowl with some of its water. Already in or into the spare tank being super careful.

Watch For Jumping Fish

As these fish are jumpers! Then empty the rest of the main tank’s water. Clean the tank thoroughly then replace the fish and water back into the tank. From the other tank. and replace the 30-50% water with the required amount of conditioner.

Second Method

The second way is the more conventional way of siphoning the water around 30-50%. Keep the fish in the tank and clean gently around the fish. But then replace the 30-50% with new water diluting normal tap safe in with the water conditioner much easier our prefered way!.


Our Betta fish tank ideas In closing, we have decided to add some gold neon tetra to our tank. First and let them settle for a few days.

Betta Can be Nasty

As betta can be nasty little blighters. And if we add them all together could be stressful for both. Or the betta may get territorial and we don’t want or need that do we? If we add the betta first and then the tetra the betta will probably attack the poor tetra. As he already thinks he owns the said tank.

Playing it Safe

So we are gonna play it super safe and add the tetra first. Let them gain some confidence etc then add the bad boy. There you have it our Betta fish tank ideas

Hopefully, they will all get on if you have any questions drop us a comment. We love hearing from you here at Tank0fish and hope you enjoyed it.

Be sure to check out our other posts and keep Tetra-ing, Betta-ing and or any other-ing.


7 thoughts on “Betta Fish Tank Ideas 4 Keeping Betta Longer”

  1. Pingback: Betta Fish Fin Rot: What to look for? | Tankofish

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