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Say NO 2 Betta Fish In Vases Now

Betta fish in vases 

Keeping Betta fish in vases is not recommended as its a small and closed environment that cannot adequately replicate the conditions of their natural habitat. Betta fish need a larger space, proper water conditions, and a varied diet to be healthy and happy. It is recommended to keep Betta fish in a properly filtered and heated aquarium with plenty of hiding places and underwater structures.

Rice Paddy Argument 

People, have you ever seen a Betta fish living in a vase and thought, “Well, they must be used to it, they naturally live in rice paddies!” Hahaha, let me tell you, there’s a reason why they’re called Siamese fighting fish and not Siamese vase fish!

Are Rice Paddies And Vases Similar?

Rice paddies and vases are like night and day, my friends. Rice paddies are like a vast ocean, complete with its own ecosystem, while vases are like a tiny puddles that you wouldn’t even step in if you saw it on the sidewalk. In rice paddies, Bettas have room to swim and play, with plants and rocks to hide behind. In vases, they’re stuck in a cramped space, just doing laps, like they’re in some kind of fish prison.

Water Quality 

And let’s talk about the water quality, folks. Rice paddies are like a natural filtration system, with scavengers and bacteria breaking down waste and keeping the water clean. In vases, there’s no such luxury, and the waste builds up, creating a toxic environment for our fishy friends.

Oxygen Problems In A Vase

And don’t even get me started on the lack of oxygen exchange! Rice paddies have ample surface area for proper oxygen exchange, while vases have limited surface area, leading to a lack of oxygen and poor water quality. It’s like comparing a five-star hotel to a tent in the middle of the desert!

So, if you want to keep a Betta fish, do them a favor and give them a proper home in an aquarium, not a vase or bowl. Trust me, your fish will thank you for it, and you’ll have a much happier and healthier pet!

Shallow waters 

betta fish in shallow waters

Nope, a vase is no shallow water my friend! Shallow water in nature is like a tropical paradise for Bettas, with plenty of room to swim, plants to hide behind, and a natural filtration system to keep the water clean. But a vase? That’s like a tiny fish jail cell, with no escape from waste, limited surface area for oxygen, and no connection to the big, beautiful world.

So let’s not compare the two, shall we? Rice paddies and shallow waters are like the Ritz Carlton of fish habitats, while vases are more like a Motel 6 with a leaky roof. If you want to keep a Betta, give them the royal treatment they deserve and get them an aquarium, not a vase. Your fish will be swimming in style, and you’ll have the happiest, healthiest fish in town!

What’s Wrong With A Betta Vase

Here are a few more examples of what’s wrong with keeping a Betta in a vase:

  • No room to stretch their fins: Bettas are graceful swimmers and love to explore their surroundings. In a vase, they’re stuck in a tiny space, constantly bumping into the sides and feeling like they’re in a never-ending game of pinball.
  • No plants or decorations: Bettas love to hide and play, but in a vase, there’s nowhere for them to go. It’s like being stuck in a blank, white room with no furniture or toys. Boring!
  • No friends to play with: Bettas are social creatures and love to interact with other fish. In a vase, they’re all alone, with no one to chase or play with. It’s like being stuck in quarantine, with no human interaction.
  • No changing scenery: Bettas love variety, and in nature, they’re exposed to different habitats, with different underwater structures and plants to explore. In a vase, it’s the same old, same old, day in and day out. It’s like being stuck watching the same movie over and over again.

So, as you can see, keeping a Betta in a vase is like a fishy version of the movie “Groundhog Day”. Give your Betta a proper home, with an aquarium full of plants, decorations, and friends, and they’ll be swimming in happiness!

What About Territory 

Oh yeah, I almost forgot about this one! Bettas love to claim their territory and defend it. In a vase, there’s no room to create a territory, so they’re constantly stressed and on high alert. It’s like living in a tiny apartment with no privacy or personal space. No one wants to live like that!

In the wild, Bettas have plenty of space to claim their own little slice of heaven, and they’re much happier for it. They’ll swim around, exploring their surroundings and showing off their impressive fins. They’ll also rest and hide, when they need to. It’s like a fishy version of “The Good Life”, where they get to live life on their terms.

So, if you want a happy, content Betta, give them plenty of room to create their own territory. An aquarium with plenty of plants and decorations will do the trick! They’ll be like fishy kings and queens, ruling over their own little slice of the underwater world. And trust me, you’ll be rewarded with a happy, healthy, and colorful Betta that will bring joy to your life every day.

Diet In A Vase

betta fish in vases

Of course! A Betta’s diet is just as important as their environment. Bettas have short digestive tracts, which means they need to eat small, frequent meals. In the wild, they eat insects and other small aquatic creatures, and they need a diet that’s rich in protein to stay healthy.

In a vase, it’s almost impossible to provide a proper diet for a Betta. They can’t go out and catch their own food, and there’s no room to grow plants or add in other creatures that they can feed on. It’s like being stuck in a desert with no food, and no way to get any. No one wants to live like that!

So, if you want a healthy, happy Betta, make sure to feed them a diet that’s rich in protein. Live or frozen foods, such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, or daphnia, are great options. And be sure to feed them small, frequent meals throughout the day. It’s like a fishy version of room service, where they get to eat gourmet meals whenever they want!

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Water Conditions 

Maintaining water parameters in a vase! It’s like trying to keep a straight face during a stand-up comedy act.

Maintaining PH Levels

So, pH is important for our fishy friends, and they prefer a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5. But in a vase, maintaining proper pH can be like trying to balance a ball on a fishing rod. The small volume of water and limited surface area for gas exchange can lead to fluctuations in pH, which can stress and harm the fish. It’s like playing a game of whack-a-mole, trying to keep the pH level stable!

Waste Build Up In Vases

And don’t even get us started on waste products. In a vase, waste can build up quickly, and it’s like trying to clean up a messy room with just a toothbrush. No matter how hard you try, there’s always more mess!

Excessive Water Changes Needed With A Vase

Water changes are important, but in a vase, it’s like trying to change a tire on a sports car. You can’t really do a proper job, and the water parameters will still be difficult to maintain.

So, the moral of the story is, if you want to keep your Betta happy and healthy, provide them with a larger aquarium or habitat that allows for better water quality control. It’s like giving a comedian a larger stage, they can shine and perform their best!

Water Temperature

And let’s not forget about water temperature! Bettas are tropical fish, and they prefer water temperatures between 76 and 82°F. In a vase, it’s like trying to maintain the temperature in a sauna with just a cup of ice. Good luck with that!

Vases Heat And Cool Quickly 

The small volume of water in a vase means that it can heat up or cool down quickly, and it’s almost impossible to maintain a stable temperature. It’s like trying to balance a temperature scale with a feather. The slightest movement can cause it to tip!

Sustainable Temperature 

So, if you want your Betta to be comfortable and happy, you need to provide a suitable water temperature. In a vase, it’s just not possible, it’s like trying to control the weather with a fan. The Betta is likely to suffer, and you’ll end up with a fish that’s as unhappy as a stand-up comedian performing to an empty room.

In conclusion, maintaining proper water temperature in a vase is like trying to catch a greased pig, it’s just not possible!  

Ideal Betta Living Conditions

how long do betta fish live

So, what are the ideal living conditions for a Betta? Well, let’s just say that a vase is about as far from ideal as a cat is from playing fetch. Bettas need room to swim, plenty of oxygen, a stable temperature, and clean water. Basically, they need a five-star hotel, not a cramped studio apartment.

How Betta Fish Should Live

Ideally, Bettas should live in an aquarium with a filter and a heater to maintain proper water conditions. The water should be kept clean and clear, like a freshly squeezed glass of lemonade. This can be achieved with regular water changes and the use of a good filter, like a butler in a fancy hotel.

Keeping Betta Fish Busy

A Betta’s home should also include plenty of hiding places and underwater structures, like rocks, plants, and caves. These provide shelter and a place to rest, like a cozy bed in a luxury hotel room. Bettas are territorial, and they need a space to call their own, like a penthouse suite.

Diet Difficult In Vases

When it comes to diet, Bettas need a varied and nutritious diet, like a gourmet meal in a fancy restaurant. Live or frozen foods, like insects, worms, and small crustaceans, are great options. Dry pellets and flakes can also be fed, but they should be supplemented with live or frozen foods, like dessert in a fancy meal.


In conclusion, Bettas need a luxurious living environment, not a tiny vase. They deserve a spacious aquarium with proper equipment, clean water, plenty of hiding places, and a varied diet. Bettas will thank you for it, and they’ll swim around, happy and healthy, like a dolphin in a crystal-clear sea.

Some FAQ On The Topic Of Betta Fish

  1. Why is it bad to keep Betta fish in a vase?
  • Betta fish need more room to swim, proper water conditions, and a varied diet which a vase cannot provide. Vases are small and closed, with limited surface area for oxygen exchange, which can lead to poor water quality.
  1. What are the ideal conditions for Betta fish?
  • Betta fish need a spacious aquarium with proper equipment, clean water, plenty of hiding places, and a varied diet. A filter and heater should also be included to maintain stable water temperature and quality.
  1. What kind of food should Betta fish eat?
  • Betta fish should have a varied and nutritious diet, which can include live or frozen foods, like insects, worms, and small crustaceans, as well as dry pellets and flakes.
  1. How do I maintain proper water conditions for Betta fish?
  • Maintaining proper water conditions for Betta fish requires regular water changes, the use of a good filter, and monitoring of temperature and pH levels. A heater can also be used to maintain a stable water temperature.
  1. How much space does a Betta fish need?
  • Betta fish need a spacious aquarium, with a minimum of 5 gallons being recommended. The larger the aquarium, the better, as Betta fish need room to swim and explore

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