Buying neon tetra is the best. These are some of my favorite fish but they are overbred these days as they are so popular.
Some interbreeding and other genetic problems can occur. The way they are farmed and sent to shops can be problematic so how do we make sure we get sold healthy neon tetra? Tetra that won’t die so easily or have disease or symptoms of diseases.
A common problem with neon tetras is diagnosing illness as NTD neon tetra disease looks a lot like other bacterial and or fungal diseases. The same for certain symptoms like dropsy.
This can confuse people even some hobbyists. So how can we be sure we are buying healthy neon tetras?
Buying Healthy Neon Tetras
Ask questions and make sure they have been quarantined by the store for at least 7 days and been medicated before buying ask to see them being fed and watch for the ones that feed first.
Let’s explain in more detail how to buy healthy neon tetras. First, let’s take a look at how the fish gets to the retailers.
Problems With Farming Our Fish
Neon tetras have boomed in recent years and are now the most popular fish in the hobby. This is not hard to believe as they have amazing colors and incredible personalities they even play dead funniest little fish.
How they are bred and farmed has become problematic. They breed so many fish in too small an area making it almost impossible to check if they have been fed or medicated correctly. Also, these awesome little fish are not checked when sold to retailers. As there are too many to count the farms will simply weigh the fish and charge based on the total weight of the fish.
Catching Netting & Weighing The Fish
How this works for the fish farms. They have so many fish they weigh one fish so they have an average of what they weigh. Then they use a huge net to catch them pick them up and weigh the whole lot.
Now they have a total weight and a rough idea of how many fish they’ve sold. It’s cheaper for them so they get a good profit and the retailer can sell to us cheaper too. The neon tetra is pretty cheap hence why they sell so many.
Can you imagine how expensive they would be if every single fish was checked and weighed before selling for retail?
Problems That Occur From Netting & Weighing Fish
There are a few problems with the way they are farmed and sold. When netted and weighed there are thousands of fish being weighed all at once. Fish are stuck and crushed leaving them with possible defects and injuries.
Bent backs are a common problem. As well as possible underfeeding and the stress of it all it’s easy to see why so many ill fish slip through the net (pun intended).
Good Retailers
Good honest retailers are going to quarantine those fish for at least seven days and medicate them for all usual bacteria and fungal infections. They will also feed them well with a varied diet of different things each day which builds up the immune system.
What’s more, they will answer any and all questions happily. If they can’t or won’t answer or they don’t know what they did to ensure healthy fish. Then it’s a no from me and should be a no from you too. Definitely do not buy from anyone who won’t answer simple questions.
How To Purchase Neon Tetra Fish
First, find a reputable hobbyist/retailer one that has time and staff looking after fish. You know what I mean the places that are dedicated to fish and have all the equipment needed to start the hobby.
Next look at how the fish act and behave in the aquarium. Make sure they are at least an inch and a half long and they have good fins tails and some decent color.
After checking the fish for yourself ask some questions and get chatting find out how long they have been in the store the longer the better. Ask about medication quarantine etc If they have had any issues with this batch.
Once you have asked all these questions and have taken a look for yourself. And you are happy with the answers quarantine and medication done fish look healthy there are some good big fish, not babies. Now we can ask to see the fish being fed.
We need to see them fed as it gives us a great insight as to which fish are the most alert normally the stronger bigger fish will eat first we want them.
Buying Healthy Neon Tetras Conclusion
Well, I hope you have gleaned some extra insight into how to buy healthy neon tetra and why we need to be careful when buying these magical fish. These fish are cheap which is good for us but it opens up problems along the way. Not enough is done to check the health until the store gets them so ask questions and get answers before buying.
If you are getting answers then you know the shop is doing its best and that they have been quarantined and medicated. As well as well fed a varied diet and they feed well when you observe them eating. You will be fine these fish are hardier than they get credit for and looked after correctly will be a fine addition to any tank.
Again I hope you enjoyed the read and please feel free to take a look around the site.
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