So you found little dots in your home aquarium that could be fish eggs in tank. We need to know if they are indeed fish eggs What do fish eggs look like have a little read of this incredible resource. They could be snail eggs for instance.
Fish eggs in tank usually start as little white clear balls that darken over time. They become more yellow or orange in color.
This all depends on your fish species as they tend to come in all shapes and sizes. However, most are pretty small and round spherical of sorts. If you indeed have fish eggs you need to know if they’ve been fertilized.
Fish Eggs In Tank Will They Survive Or Die
Around (90)% of fish eggs in tank will die by being eaten or not even hatch. Those eggs that do hatch the fry will have a real fight to survive. As there are so many predators even their parents in some cases.
An unfertilized egg will not hatch and stays the same color as when the egg was laid. Sometimes female fish will lay or spawn eggs but alas there is no male to fertilize them.
We can look at the eggs and determine from the size and color. Based on the species of fish you have when they are likely to hatch and if the eggs are even going to hatch.
Keep reading as we delve deep into the world of fish eggs and whether you should move them from your tank or leave them to hatch. How long do fish stay pregnant?
Fish Eggs In Tank Are They Fertilized
The first thing we should do is determine if there are any male fish in the tank, to begin with as if there are no male fish then those eggs will not hatch. It doesn’t matter how many eggs a female lays if they are not fertilized they can’t form a new fish.
If there’s definitely no male fish then you can simply remove the eggs. That’s if the female or another fish doesn’t eat them first. Yep, there is a lot of fish that love munching on fish eggs.
Now supposing there is a male then we need to hold on a minute let’s read on for more details.
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Where Are The Fish Eggs Have You Noticed A Nest
It’s important to know a bit more about where the eggs are. Some fish lay their eggs anywhere on the substrate others are more specific and lay in what’s called a spawning area. Ie plants shrubs and other flora are used to catch the eggs.
And some fish make nests like betta fish make a bubble nest which allows them to catch keep and even look after the eggs until they hatch into little baby fry.
Occasionally females will build a nest but it’s rare and it’s even rarer for them to lay eggs and make a nest. As the male usually makes the nest. If you have eggs in a nest they would have been put there by the male and will be fertilized. Also, you would probably know this already as these fish are only kept together in breeding tanks.
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What To Do In This Situation
If the eggs are at the bottom of the tank after a few days or so remove them. Use a siphon and gently hoover them away. If you don’t they will become rotten and toxic to the tank possibly causing water parameter issues. Spiking ammonia which could harm other fish with ammonia burn. The eggs won’t of hatched anyway.
Here’s why any eggs left on the substrate will normally be eaten. If it’s eggs from a nest-building fish and they are on the floor then those eggs are no good. The parents always put the good eggs back in the nest.
Last but not least if the eggs have been there for a few days after you noticed them then they probably would have hatched by now as most will hatch in 1 to 4 days.
What Color Are Those Eggs

As we know and if you read that wonderful article I’ve linked above. Fish eggs change color once they’ve been fertilized. So if the eggs are the same color as they were when laid or when you noticed them. Especially if white or clear looking then they are infertile eggs and can be gently removed.
The Fish Eggs Color Has Darkened And There Is A Male In The Tank
If that’s the case and the eggs have changed color. The male is of the same species as the fish that laid the eggs.
Then there’s a chance of those eggs hatching. Remove any predators and the parents from that area.
Try to get all the eggs in one area and then divide the tank. Use any decent divider and divide the eggs to protect them.
It’s a miracle the eggs are still uneaten at this point. They still may not hatch as the water parameters and temperature plays a big role in whether eggs hatch or not.
Fish Egg Survival Rate
It’s a tough life being a fish egg. To be honest it’s a wonder any fish survive let’s be honest females tend to release eggs even if there are no males.
Obviously, there’s no chance of being fertilized without any male fish. Even if there are males the way some fish scatter their eggs. means the male can’t find them all so some maybe half in some cases are left unfertilized.
Then there’s the fact most species of fish eat the eggs they just can’t help themselves. They’re so hungry after mating that they eat most of the eggs.
Then there are the predators. There are plenty of other fish that will gladly eat those eggs even if the parents don’t eat them. When you take these and all the other complications ie water conditions ph levels and temperature lights etc it’s no wonder 90 % of all eggs won’t make it.
Female Laying Eggs Without A Male
Most of the time the eggs are going to be infertile as there is and never was a male in the tank. Yes, female fish will lay eggs without a male to fertilize them. This is normal it just means the female is happy and bonding and ready to mate.
Although those eggs that don’t get eaten will need removing as they could cause water issues and other problems.
Let Nature Take Its Course
The best thing to do is to indeed let nature take its course. If you have a good school of fish and they pair up and have eggs and even fertilize those eggs. The chances of them hatching are still pretty slim.
The conditions for most fish need to be a lot different than that of your home tank. If those eggs do hatch then it’s time to see if they survive. Sounds harsh but that’s how it is in the wild only the lucky strong survive as I stated early only 10 % will survive.
Which means a whopping 90 % usually die. Sad but true.
Protect And Hatch The Eggs At Home
This is a big step in the hobbyist world. Fishkeeping is awesome and we all end up trying to breed our own fish. We see some eggs and bang we are right there. Just be careful and also be aware that even with our best intentions they won’t all make it and sometimes the eggs won’t hatch.
What can be even worse is hatching the fry and then losing them. It can be hard and it’s not for everyone.
Here are a few helpful resources for breeding fish and eggs
Hope you glean something and enjoy breeding those fish. Please be patient as it can be tricky.
Fish Eggs In Tank Will They Survive Conclusion
Fish eggs in tank will have a hard time surviving. Yet nature will make a way some eggs will make it and the fry that hatch some will go on to adulthood. Even in our tanks they somehow survive it’s pretty amazing when you really think about it.
There are so many variables and problems to take into account. Water conditions are different than in their natural habitat. The lighting we tend to overlight in the hobby as we want to see the fish. This causes major problems for breeding let alone egg development.
Fish Eggs hate light they’re super sensitive but still, some will hatch. Overall it is amazing that any eggs make it what with predators, tank conditions, lights, temperature, and the threat of the parents eating them.
Somehow someway 10 % make it. To adulthood and this is probably why fish produce and lay so many eggs.
I really hope you enjoyed the read and got something out of this article. Please feel free to look around the site and read some more. I’ll leave you with a few articles from our do-fish series of posts to enjoy.
Do Fish Series
Do Fish Hibernate What Is Torpor
Do Fish Feel Pain How We Know A Fish Is In Pain
Do Fish Sleep Can We Tell If Fish Are Sleeping
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