So can fish see in the dark? Stick around I will explain all the details as we go but ill let you in on a secret most fish can indeed see in the dark. You see fish have what are known as rod and cone cells that are attached to their retinas.
It is now believed fish can turn even pitch blacks into a lighter shade of grey and can determine colors with these rod and cone cells. Just think fish need to find food and it’s pretty dark in most of their habitats.
Fish also need to avoid predators and most do so by seeing really well in the dark. That being said much like us humans some fish see much better than others. Those that don’t see that well like the shark for instance still do well in the dark as they have a sixth sense and an incredible sense of smell.
Can Fish See In The Dark?
It must be tiring to be a fish.
I mean, think about it – being always on the move without having a place to rest; no couch, no TV, no Internet.
So what do you do – you just swim and mind your own business. And all of a sudden your all-powerful and amazing owner turns the lights off, and you crash into something.
Or do you? No of course not fish can see in the dark fish are also pretty colorful and stand out even more in the dark. Even if they weren’t so colorful fish would still be able to see in the dark.
Fish have a really clever hard lens that allows them to see clearer even in darker waters. If an object is further away the fish lens retracts so it can still see the object amazing am I right.
Also, fish are capable of processing UV light and detecting prey in the dark. Oh, their eyes are set far apart which allows fish a panoramic view too. Yes even at night.

Can Fish See In The Dark
Can fish see in the dark yes they have rod and cone cells attached to their retinas or have a lateral line containing neuromasts that runs down the side of their body. allowing fish to see in the dark. Some species have night vision and detect changes in water and electrical pressure
Fish have had enough time to really adapt to the darkness after all oceans and seas can get really dark, so let’s see what it’s like for them.
How Do Fish Deal With Darkness?
Can fish see in the dark and how do they deal with darkness? It is not easy being in the wild. For starters, there are no street lights. You really need to be able to see in the dark. So there are a lot of animals that have adapted and evolved so they can see better when the night settles in.
Fish Happen To Be One Of These Animals Too
With more than 28 000 known fish species they certainly are able to handle the darkness of the water. They have several ways that can help them navigate and survive in the dark and less-lit areas of the water.
- Many fish also have developed good vision at night. They are characterized by their big and rounded lenses. Through their help, they can use any reflected light optimally, which makes those dark areas (at least, they appear dark to us) to be a lot brighter.
- Fish have a lateral line that runs across their body. This is a series of pressure-sensitive organs that are used as a sensory system. With their help, fish can sense movement, vibrations, and even pressure changes in the water. If only we had such a system maybe we wouldn’t bump into everything while trying to go to the bathroom during the night.
- Some fish can use magnetoception and chemoreception in order to get their bearings during the night. Now we are getting really high-tech. Actually what that means is that they can kind of smell, (wait do fish have noses or just nostrils) and even feel the changes in the electrical fields in the water (Sharks, for example, can sense the changes in the electric field created by other animals in the water).
Can fish see in the dark using all these receptors and organs, fish can get their bearings even in complete darkness, muddy water, and low light conditions in order to navigate, avoid obstacles, hunt, eat, and survive.
And they do it exceptionally well.
Can Pet Fish See During The Night?
Aquarium fish can see during the night too just like any other fish. They have adapted the same way as the rest of their friends that live in the oceans and seas.
The main difference here is that since they are living in a controlled habitat, there are some things we need to keep in mind so that we are sure our fish are in the best health possible. When living in an artificial environment, fish need to experience the natural cycles they would experience in the wild nature as much as possible.
Aquarium fish love having clean water, hiding places, plants, and enough room to swim around.
Pet Fish Do Need An Established Day And Night Cycle Too.
Interestingly enough, they can develop a habit and will know when the lights will get turned on or off.
What Do The Fish Do During The Dark?
A late Friday night at the fish tank; is it party time?
Well, not really. Fish don’t really care about partying. They don’t care for Fridays or Mondays either.
During the night fish usually, just rest. Fish do like having some beauty sleep. So they will just retire to some secluded area where they will feel safe and rest.
They have a rest state which is essentially their way of sleeping. They sleep in a much different way than us; they lower their brain activity in half. A part of their brain still functions in order to keep them moving and swimming and not hitting any objects while doing so.
Can fish see in the dark the fact that they don’t keep bumping into things or each other seems to be yet more evidence that yes indeed they can indeed see in the dark.
Also if you have the lights on all the time, you might run into some big algae problems. So giving them some quiet time during the night will not only help your fish rest properly, but it will also keep the tank cleaner for longer.
Should you pick a specific time to turn the lights on or off?
Fish do like some consistency. Interestingly enough, they can learn the pattern at what time it gets bright or dark, they will expect it and adjust to it.
What Is Advisable Is Not To Have More Than 8-12 Hours Of Total Lights-On Time.
A good rule of thumb is to ease them into it. That way, you will not startle the fish out every time. A good fish tank timer can work wonders in that case.
For example:
- During the night, you can first turn off the tank lights, and later, you can turn off the lights in the room.
- During the day you can turn on the lights in the room first and later turn on the lights in the tank.
Fish don’t have eyelids, so when they sleep they do so with their eyes open, imagine what it would be like for them if all of a sudden *boom* light.
On the other hand, if you turn off the lights entirely in one smooth movement, nothing bad is going to happen. Don’t worry, your fish will not bump into the tank and will be just fine.
In fact, the chances of you running into the fish tank at night are significantly higher than the fish running into the tank in the dark.
But What To Do If You Go On A Vacation?
The best way to go about this if you are going away for some time is to get a timer that will automatically turn on and off the lights in the tank – especially if you have a planted fish tank.
Or you can just leave the lights off, given there are some windows in the room. In any case, don’t leave the lights on for the entire period of time as this will not give your fish the necessary time to rest and will exacerbate algae growth.
What Happens When You Fish In The Dark?
With all that darkness around us, how do fishermen manage to catch fish during the night?
Night fishing is all about the senses; both yours and the fish.
The most important thing they know is understanding how to lure the fish properly. During the night, fish can come up near the shallows, so they have to be careful not to make too much noise and startle it.
They will use dark-colored baits that make more noise, which will better lure the fish to the bait. Fishermen move the bait slowly in order to allow fish to feel the movement using its lateral line.
Here are a couple of related questions about can fish see in the dark pertaining to darkness enjoy.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Do Fish Need Darkness?
Fish thrive best on having established periods of light and darkness. Pet fish need both lights for optimal health and darkness in order to rest. Too much time with lights on can cause excessive algae growth, so the timing should be regulated optimally.
Can Fish Survive In Complete Darkness?
Fish have adapted to living in dark and low-light conditions. There are deep-sea fish that live in total darkness. They might be facing fewer sources of nutrition and food as algae need light in order to grow.
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